Monday, July 19, 2010

A piece of my mind...

Respect. It’s something that we all want. The thing is, respect -- true, uncompromising respect-- is not an entitlement. It’s something that you have to earn. You don’t earn respect by being the loudest person at the table, or the person with the most “things” or the best “things” or the newest “things” OR for that matter, friends with the people with these things, or the child of the people with these things. I’m sick of people thinking they can talk their way into, or buy their way into respect.

Do something.

I’ll respect you a hell of a lot more if you at the very least tried something, even if you fail, than if you do nothing. Where does this idea that we can do nothing, be nothing, and yet have everything come from? Who sponsored this? And who is supporting it?

I just have absolutely no desire to hear another person tell me another story that is supposed to impress me, until I’ve seen the hard work and dedication go into what they want me to get excited about.

Isn’t the whole point that the reward is that much sweeter after you’ve earned it? Maybe its just me…. but I’m ready to see some earning take place.

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