Monday - Monday, Monday…. Always comes too soon eh? Not that I have any complaints, this weekend was filled to the brim and even though we had a memorial service to attend yesterday, I can honestly tell you it was a very fun weekend.
Gary picked up Mack from school on Friday so Nick and I could watch the Husky game. We immediately went home after work changed into our Husky gear and headed over to our friends’ house to watch the game. I’ve been a little MIA from our friends group lately, so it was nice to see people and be a human being again! It also makes for a great evening when your team wins a great game!
Saturday morning we were up and at it pretty early. Mack doesn’t understand the concept of “weekend” well enough to go back to sleep - his body is used to waking up at 6am like he does for school each morning. For him, sleeping in is somewhere around 6:10. Yep, ten whole minutes of freedom! Ha!
We’ve come to rely on having the TV set up downstairs so that when he comes and wakes us up, one of us can quickly turn on a Mickey Mouse and get him set up with some breakfast before coming back to bed and snoozing a bit. Call us terrible parents, it’s how we keep our sanity!
I had a special mission for Saturday morning - two, actually. The first was to go to Costco and get some new workout gear. They are currently carrying some of the new Adidas women’s line for spring. Having bought Nick’s running gear at Costco a few months ago, I knew that if I could find my size, it’d be worth my while to get it from Costco. As it turns out, they sell bottoms in my size - but the matching tops were only available in XS - which is too small, even for me. The irony is that I was also trying to find stuff for my dad and then men’s selection had the opposite problem, his stuff only came in gigantic size. Weird. At least I got my pants, for less than half the normal price. AND, we live super close to the Adidas outlet, which I plan on visiting very soon to complete my “outfits.”
Mission #2 was not so successful. I’d been looking for a dress to wear to Cirque du Soleil for a few weeks now and Saturday was THE DAY to get it done. Let me tell you, it’s hard enough to find a decent dress when you’re twenty something and a mom (everything is either super frumpy or super slutty and short), BUT add to the fact that I’ve got a big ol’ belly and it’s that much more challenging. So…. I didn’t find a dress. I ended up wearing my high school homecoming dress, no joke. Thank god for stretchy fabric!
I did, however, find some great steals on maternity clothes. Seriously, who wants to spend $40 a pop on shirts/pants that you only fit in for about 2-3 months anyway?! Second hand is the way to go! I also snuck in a trip to
Plato’s Closet to drop off some clothes that don’t fit anymore and I scored $20. The maternity shop I was at also does consignment, but it’s for store credit, and they only accept clothes m-f. I found a crib set I really liked there, so I’m hoping I can turn in the rest of the stuff Plato’s Closet didn’t buy and have enough store credit to get the crib set - the rest of my stuff is destined for Goodwill!
I spent the rest of the afternoon getting a manicure and then getting ready for Cirque. Quidam was my very first Cirque du Soleil show and I loved every single moment. The set, the lighting, the costumes, everything was incredible. I really wish that Mackenzie could have gone with us, he would have loved it. Next time I’m making sure he gets to go.

I almost feel guilty about enjoying the show knowing he didn’t get to go. We went out to one of our
favorite Thai restaurants before the show with some friends - always nice to catch up with college friends. AND, I know have some pretty awesome leftovers to look forward to on my lunch tonight.
Sunday started with an early morning Husky game and we had Kyle and Erin over for breakfast/to watch the game. I think that’s the earliest I’ve ever watch basketball. It was a good game, up until the last few moments when we really just gave it away to North Carolina. Such a crappy way to end our tournament play. After the game, I was off to Edmonds to meet up with my long lost friend Eli! I haven’t seen Eli in ages! He finally lives a reasonable distance from us and so I figured it was darn time we got back together. I met him for brunch (don’t judge me for my two breakfasts!) in downtown Edmonds and we went to a cute little restaurant called Red Twig. I wanted to try out
Red Twig because online said they had great crepes, there were also terrible reviews for this place, stating it was overpriced and hoity toity. First of all, they didn’t have crepes except for chicken pesto, which in comparison to the whip cream and strawberries I was anticipating - was not going to cut it. Also, their prices are incredibly reasonable and the food was “normal” done well -- for instance I got a breakfast burrito and I almost got the muffin shaped quiche. I wouldn’t call that hoity toity. The lesson here: you can’t always trust the reviews on Yelp or Urbanspoon - in the end we each get to have our own opinion :)
After that it was time to head out for the memorial service. I can’t believe how many people there were, what an inspiration of touching lives. I hope that when I pass away even a quarter that many people will show up and be able to laugh and celebrate my life. It was a very good service.
To leave you on a happy note: This is what little baby Bowsher looks like at 28 weeks! Only 11 more to go…. Crazy!

Did anyone notice that I did absoluty no cooking this weeked?! Weird. The most action our kitchen saw was when Nick made waffles and scrambled eggs for the game. About that....I better start thinking about what's for dinner :)