A Tuesday night without Italian?! Feels so weird. I love Italian but I have to say that it has been nice being home every night of the week and being “present” during the times I’m at home - rather than studying for this quiz, or that test, or even just thinking about all the things I need to get done and the constant feeling of a to-do list running through my brain.
The goals for last night: Pick up my on hold items from the library, make a dinner that wasn’t terrible, hang out with the fam - AND, if the mood strikes, get some laundry done.
After waiting in line at the library behind a family of ten children, each with their own library card and a minimum of $12 in late fees each - I was finally able to check out the items I put on hold earlier this week. I found three workout DVDs that I wanted to give a go.
At home, I got dinner going - Grilled Chicken, Roasted Carrots with Broccoli, and Rice-a-Roni! Seriously, who doesn’t like Rice-a-Roni? It’s the San Francisco treat!
While dinner was cooking, I asked Mack if he’d try out this new video:
This video is super corny but I love the idea. It’s called Yoga for Families and it has basic yoga moves (warrior 2, cat/cow, downward facing dog, front bend, etc) combined into 3 different 10-15 min sequences. They do use some of the traditional pose names (traditional, as in western, not Sanskrit) but for the most part they say things like “be an elephant and wag your trunk all the way to the floor” instead of “front forward fold” or what have you. It took a couple minutes, but we eventually got Mack into doing it - so it was Mack, Nick and I doing our silly animal poses before dinner. I love it! I am by no means suggesting that Mack “work out” on any sort of schedule or as a “need to do” basis, but I think introducing him to the concept is great. I definitely remember watching my mom work it out to Jane Fonda on VHS along with the FIRM and how cool I thought I was when she let me workout with her. My mom is undeniably an amazing example of eating right and staying fit. I hope to look as good as she does when I’m forty - let alone sixty! (she’s going to kill me for putting that, but I think it’s a compliment that my mom is about to turn 60 this year and she looks better that a lot of (if not most) mid forty year olds. Be proud of your age mom!)
Back to dinner, being that I got distracted with our family yoga session, then playing catch with the dogs, and setting the table with Mackenzie - I almost ruined my second dinner in two days! Luckily, I was able to rescue the meal right at the last moment and everything was delicious. No leftoevers = everybody loved it.
After dinner, we watched an episode of DuckTales (remember that show?) with Mack and then read a book, played pillow wrestling, and all the other pre bed time activities. Let me also say that Mack’s bike is now ready to be picked up at the store and even though he did get a sticker last night - he still has a little over half way to go towards earning his bike. Here’s what’s in store for him at the end of the sticker chart: Nick and I are debating picking this up tonight and showing it to him - he’d still have to earn all his stickers before getting it - OR, if we should get it some other time and hide it in the garage until the chart is all the way full. I’m sure seeing it will be a good motivator, but I also don’t want to introduce a huge battle of “I want it now!” for the next 17 stickers. Not sure what’s the best choice here.
Quick baby recap: I had my diabetes and hematocrit tests done at the doctor’s office today. Good news! I don’t have diabetes! I am however, extremely low on iron. No real surprise here, I’ve been anemic for most of my life. I have a “prescription” now for some special iron that is supposedly easier to absorb. Also, this is supposed to make me have more energy. I’m all for that!
After the doctor, I stopped at home to toss a quick dinner into the crock pot, whip up a smoothie and enjoy some time in the sunshine with the pups. For some reason, Tucker is willing to run and play catch outside but will not do it inside unless I put Muffin away. Playing outside was a nice little workout for Tucker - and a much needed one at that! Fatty!
Into the blender: Ice, frozen strawberries, kiwi, and Protein Plus juice - don’t judge it by the pukey color - it’s a great smoothie base.
Wha la!
Tonight things are flip-flopped a bit. I’m picking up Nick from his work - rather than vice-versa. So we’ll get home a little later than usual, hence the need for crock pot dinner.
See ya later
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