A fabulous Monday! Yes, they can exist! Before leaving for work, I prepped the crock pot with two frozen chicken breasts, half a can (don’t judge the can) of sliced pineapple, half a carton of coconut milk, and ¼ cup of brown sugar. I topped it off with a little bit of Bombay Curry - a staple of mine from Market Spice - and a little salt and pepper. I left the crock pot on “low” all day in hopes of coming home to some tasty Coconut Pineapple Curry Chicken. The day was a bit of a blur, it’s been rather busy lately but luckily office meetings at work meant that I got to pick up lunches for our guests. I naturally, and probably rather selfishly, chose
Crusty Tasty for some yummy sandwiches and pasta salad. No pictures to share - I gobbled that bad boy right up! After work I picked up Mack. We immediately went home and changed into outdoors clothes. I popped some frozen veggies into the crock pot, stirred a little, and turned it up to “high.” I also started the rice cooker and crossed my Mackenzie and I took the doggies for a quick walk through the neighborhood while the veggies incorporated themselves in with the curry. We returned to the lovely smell of coconut and curry goodness.

While Mack was watching his beloved Mickey Mouse Clubhouse in preparation for bedtime, I did a little yoga/weights/stretching routine. I incorporated aspects from my prenatal yoga class (including the block, leg swing) and also some poses from this sequence. I did minimal weights: Using 5 lb weights I did a combination of bicep curls, tricep lifts, full arm extensions, and overhead press - 15 of each. Not much, but it got the blood flowing and worked out a few kinks in my shoulders. I am really having a problem with my right hip, so I’m focusing on poses that are “hip openers.” However, after doing this routine, I was in so much pain I could barely stand on my right leg let alone do the stretches to work anything out. I ended up going to bed with a thick slathering of Village Naturals Muscle Therapy lotion on my lower back and hip. This stuff is better than icy hot and it melts away any muscle tension, pinches, etc. I keep it in the house at all times.
Here’s to a good night’s sleep and a happy Tuesday! Italian starts tomorrow!
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