Saturday was a lazy day - especially for Mackenzie. That little bugger slept in until 10:40. I think between staying up late for swimming on Thursday night, and our somewhat late night (for him) on Friday - his little body was just exhausted. Luckily for me, this meant that I got to sleep in a little myself. Nick was insane and got up at 6! After I woke up around 7:30, Nick decided to go for a run with, drumroll please…. Tucker! That little fatty is doomed to get his exercise in! Even if we have to drag him along on the leash :) While Nick was out running (he came back and swapped Tucker for Muffin so that he could do his long loop to Grand Ave and back)

I did a little yoga on demand. I really like the Namaste Yoga that I recorded from DirectTv. My only complaint is that you get really into the sequence and then BAM blaring load commercial. They always offer a great workout - and even though they are only thirty min (less any commercials) they sure do pack a punch! Once Mackenzie finally got up, we had a light breakfast and then hit the road for my number one goal for the weekend of purchasing the crib set for baby Bowsher’s room. Success! We were in and out of Just for Kids in no time. Although, I have to admit that I did try on a pair of roller blades - every pregnant lady needs a pair of those right? Unfortunately, those were way too big, for even my swollen pregnancy feet. Next up, we were off to the beach house to do
Ukranian Eggs.

Nick’s family has done this over the years but this was my first time doing an egg. Mack was still super out of it and he lay/slept on the couch the entire time we were there. We finished up our eggs for the most part, except Nick’s mom was going to use lighter fluid of all things to remove the remaining wax and to polish the eggs. We’ll get to pick up our eggs later in the week. The rest of our Saturday was pretty lazy. Once we were home we just lounged around with Mackenzie who was a real bump on a log. I think all the sitting around wore me out! I ended up taking a nap around 6:30 and never really got up again. I did watch a movie with Nick though after he got Mack to bed. Poor Nick! Here it is his last day at home and we’re all super exciting!
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