Shortly after getting myself settled into the office I realized that I had left my lunch at home along with all of my snacky foods and my tummy was rumbling! I headed over to Firewheel Books and Beans thinking I’d just grab a bagel but they had these irresistible (both for the packaging and for the description) little oatmeal bowls. The one called “Monkey Bars” caught my eye because it had mini chocolate chips, coconut and peanut butter in the cup!

I’ve read on plenty of other blogs all the fun things people do with their oatmeal in the morning, but the most exciting thing I’ve ever done is a packet of Peach instant oatmeal - I know, I know - thrill seeker! The oatmeal was delicious! However, at the whopping price of $2.95, I don’t see myself being a repeat, let alone regular, purchaser. I do however, plan on buying some plain oatmeal and some mini chocolate chips (I have coconut and PB) so I can make this concoction on my own.
My day at the office was spent crunching numbers and running billing reports. Surprisingly, this is one of my favorite aspects of my job - it was my favorite thing about Starbucks to. I love to know the bottom line and how to improve it.
For dinner, Mack and I prepared Salmon with two sides: Mashed Potatoes and Beets.

For a post dinner treat, we each enjoyed an oversized tootsie-roll (does anyone else find it ridiculous how many different shapes and sizes tootsie rolls come in? mini, long and skinny, those fat short ones, the really thing square ones, the really thick and really long ones…. Why, tootsie company? Why?)
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