The menu:
Mon: leftovers
Tues: Habanera Raspberry Salmon with Asparagus
Weds: Azteca (date night!)
Thurs: Cioppino Stew
Fri: Chicken Masala (not to be confused with MARSALA)
Sat: Leftovers!
Sun: BBQ Chicken Pizza (lunch) Curry Chicken and Broccoli Casserole (dinner)
Monday night I had a ton of homework to do in preparation for class Tuesday night; Nick was kind enough to take Mackenzie on a little play date adventure with a girl from high school that has a son Mack’s. I had some leftovers from Sunday’s meat loaf and hit the books. A rather lame night until the boys got home and we got to both share the joy of Mackenzie in an utter meltdown while mom and dad are exhausted and wanting to melt down themselves. Ah, the joys of parenting. The good news is that there is always a morning to follow nights like this and those mornings usually are full of hugs and snuggles that make up for whatever it was that happened (can you even remember when those little hands reach out for a big hug followed by an “I love you mom”)
Tuesday is by far the longest day of the week for the Bowsher clan - not in a bad way by any means, just lots of hours. I have class until 7 and Nick has flag football. We both love what we’re up to on Tuesdays but it makes the nights a bit of a juggle between getting Mack from preschool, dinner, trade off and the bedtime routine. After class, I met Nick and got Mackenzie to take him home and get ready for bed. I love the nights when it’s just me and Mack - I wouldn’t want this for my all the time routine, but it’s fun to have that time just the two of us every now and then. He’s so sweet and cozy as opposed to the rambunctious little monster he is when he’s rough housing and being “such a boy” with his daddy. After I got Mack to bed, I decided to follow through on the “menu” item originally intended for Monday - salmon. I had planned on making a simple lime/cilantro glaze and baking the salmon. BUT, I had seen a recipe on a blog that morning that just had to be tried! I fudged the ingredients a bit to work with what I had and it turned out amazing! It might have been ready to eat at 9:30 but it was definitely worth the long day leading up to the bliss of an excellent dinner accompanied by a little TV time by myself. Yes, I did have this dinner alone - Nick wasn’t home until way later but he got to have leftovers for lunch.
Aren't these cool little sauce containers? From Daiso, you can fill them with anything and re-use. I used them to pack soy sauce for lunch. Perfect!
Nick and took I Wednesday off early to go to the doctor and have our ultrasound! Big surprise: we’re having another boy! I have to admit that I’ve been really hoping for a girl, but give how excited Mack is to have a little brother - I can get over it. We’ve always said only two kids, but who knows? (Nick is having a heart attack right now) After the doctor we went to Azteca. We had won a giftcard to Azteca along with movie tickets back in October after buying raffle tickets to support my mom’s women’s group. We finally used the dinner but we have yet to go see a movie - we are so lame! Free movie and we still can’t get it together to go?! Geesh. I have to say that I was pleasantly surprised how good the food was at Azteca. I haven’t eaten there since I was probably ten. The portion sizes are HUMONGOUS but it sure was tasty! I also enjoyed a virgin pina colada - not my first choice but the waiter didn’t understand that a margharita can be made without tequila, seriously, he was so confused that I would even ask for that. Anywho - the pina colada was delicious!
Thursday was date night for me and Mackenzie! Nick was having a “man date” with Eric and so I had some time to myself with Mack. If you don’t already know this, a “date” between me and Mackenzie ALWAYS consists of a trip to Starbucks. This is so much the case that Mack will literally ask me where the coffee shop is if I tell him we have a date and we head somewhere other than Starbucks to start with. This date was no different. I picked him up at school and our first stop was the drive through SBUX by our house to get red cupcakes. Judge me all you want for cupcake before dinner - some times you just gotta live it up (a cupcake before dinner = living it up, apparently). Post-cupcake we headed up to the outlet mall to hit up the Adidas store. I scored two new workout tops that are -ahem- “pregnant body” appropriate. We also nabbed a new pair of shoes for Mack, which are pretty much the coolest thing ever. I love little kid shoes that mimic grown up shoes! I HATE kid shoes that have lights and plastic crap all over them - just a side note. After the outlet mall I put all the ingredients in the stock pot to make cioppino stew. Mack had PB&J - made all by himself. Stew was ready just after Mack went to bed. Another late dinner for me but lots of yummy leftovers for both mine and Nick’s lunches - ain’t nothing wrong with that!
With the Linguini
Lunch the Next Day :)
Nick got home early on Friday and he was the one to prepare our delicious meal! I love coming home to a house that smells delicious and a yummy meal already on the table. That’s one of the best things about crock pot meals - everyone gets to come home to that. In this case, Nick made dinner and had the whole thing plated and ready to go by the time I walked in the door. Thanks Nick! The funny part is that he didn’t know what he was making - thinking it was Chicken Marsala he was really confused by the bright red sauce that he was using for the chicken. He was actually making Chicken Masala. Funny part is once he tasted it, he was so much more happy with what he had actually made than what he thought he was making. Nice little surprise I’m sure. Marsala = Italian sauce made with white wine and mushrooms. Masala = Indian sauce made with tomato, cumin and lots of other spices.
Yay! We made it to the weekend! I love waffles on Saturday but I’m willing to give it up if every Saturday can go like this. We actually got to sleep in! Mack woke up super early but he went into the living room, turned on the tv - then got himself juice and breakfast. He chilled out until Nick and I woke up around 8:15. Nick and I are usually up at 5:30/6 on the weekends and force ourselves to “sleep” until at least 7 - 8:15 was a real treat!
Not wanting to waste the day away in our pajamas, we quickly dressed and headed out: Nick with Muffin for a run, Mackenzie and I with Tucker for a walk. The plan = meet at Starbucks. The plan did not work. We both went to different SBUX and waited around for eachother. Nick actually went to both SBUX, twice! He missed me the first three times, but we finally ran into each other on the street and walked together to the Starbucks downtown. My 2 mile walk became a 4 mile one, and I have no clue how many miles Nick ended up putting in going back and forth between coffee shops.
We spent the rest of the day picking up and prepping for our move between the master bedroom and the current family room. Then it was time to head off to dinner with my mom at Cheesecake Factory - funny enough, I got Chicken Marsala which is my favorite thing on their menu.
Sunday was an all out football day. Nick and I were off to an earlier start than Friday but we got all of the food prepped before the games and even got to make some brownies with Mackenzie. For the first game, Nick made BBQ chicken pizza. For the second game, I made Curry Chicken and Broccoli Casserole. My mom used to make this for me when I lived at home and is far and away one of my favorite meals. It’s great because even though it takes time to bake, it’s pretty simple to make and you have leftovers for days.
All Ready to Go

Both games were incredibly boring until the ends but it was nice to see some of our friends. Our friend Jeff (who made the beer for Kyle/Erin’s wedding this summer) brought me some homemade ginger ale which is the best thing to give a pregnant lady ever! I’m in love with this stuff!
A great weekend and then, it's back to work! Monday, monday! Always comes too soon!