This is week two of the new preschool routine. I think I’ve pretty much got the hang of getting up early and a good routine for getting Mackenzie ready and off to school. He is actually great! I set him up on the couch with his blanket and some breakfast while he watches Mickey Mouse, we do the Hot Dog Dance and then its time for him to get dressed. AND, believe it or not, I think I’m becoming a morning person. I get so much done while I’m getting ready for work (make myself lunch, throw in a load of laundry, do any dishes leftover, take the dogs out, etc) before I even get Mack up. Combine this with my new lunch routine, I have no chores to do when I get home from work, which means two things: more quality time with the fam and also more time for things like yoga classes!
The main thing I’m still working on is FOOD. Getting up so much earlier, along with being so active so early is really taking its toll on me. Last week I realized I needed to change my diet as well as reintroduce Vitamin B. I’ve been really forcing myself to get a ton of protein into my morning diet. This is hard for me. I usually don’t even eat breakfast, so for me, a kiwi and a yogurt is a lot. The problem with that is that by the time I get to work, I’m starving -- for instance, yesterday I swung by McD’s for an egg mc muffin after dropping Mack off, I could hardly even wait to get it. Disgusting.
This morning, I’ve been proactive with my hunger. I had a hard boiled egg, a kiwi, and yogurt for breakfast. I also had a glass of juice and took some vitamin B. I already feel like I have a foot forward.
Puppy Update: Muffin and Tucker are getting along really well. Muffin is horribly aggressive towards the cat, which Tucker joins right in on… frustrating. But, overall, the new puppy is a great addition to the little clan. We even took her out on the boat over Labor Day weekend -- and caught like a million crab. Only kept 15, only ha! We brought up 29 in one pot alone. Pretty stellar.
Another big update in my life is that I got an unlimited class pass to the Women’s Wellness Center for the month of September. I have gone to yoga twice now. The first class, last Thursday was my first time back to yoga since June 26th! Can you believe it?! I sure can’t believe that much time has gone by. This unlimited pass will definitely be my jump start to a fall fitness routine. I went to yoga last night, which was amazing, really worked my back, hips, and abs! All of my favorites! Tonight I am trying Zumba. Not sure how excited I am… I’ll report back.
Also, I am trying so incredibly hard to get into the Italian class this quarter. This is actually the class I took in Spring quarter but I am hoping that I can audit it and be fresh and ready to go for the second quarter class which will start Winter quarter. Cross your fingers! I have a request out to the professoré, the admissions department, and the advising department. Some one should get back to me! I hope! In the mean time, I have been reviewing my flash cards before work and before my yoga classes (yes, all TWO of them lol). It’s a work in progress. If anyone is looking to give me something AMAZING for Christmas: I WANT THIS. Thanks in advance :)
The main thing I’m still working on is FOOD. Getting up so much earlier, along with being so active so early is really taking its toll on me. Last week I realized I needed to change my diet as well as reintroduce Vitamin B. I’ve been really forcing myself to get a ton of protein into my morning diet. This is hard for me. I usually don’t even eat breakfast, so for me, a kiwi and a yogurt is a lot. The problem with that is that by the time I get to work, I’m starving -- for instance, yesterday I swung by McD’s for an egg mc muffin after dropping Mack off, I could hardly even wait to get it. Disgusting.
This morning, I’ve been proactive with my hunger. I had a hard boiled egg, a kiwi, and yogurt for breakfast. I also had a glass of juice and took some vitamin B. I already feel like I have a foot forward.
Puppy Update: Muffin and Tucker are getting along really well. Muffin is horribly aggressive towards the cat, which Tucker joins right in on… frustrating. But, overall, the new puppy is a great addition to the little clan. We even took her out on the boat over Labor Day weekend -- and caught like a million crab. Only kept 15, only ha! We brought up 29 in one pot alone. Pretty stellar.
Another big update in my life is that I got an unlimited class pass to the Women’s Wellness Center for the month of September. I have gone to yoga twice now. The first class, last Thursday was my first time back to yoga since June 26th! Can you believe it?! I sure can’t believe that much time has gone by. This unlimited pass will definitely be my jump start to a fall fitness routine. I went to yoga last night, which was amazing, really worked my back, hips, and abs! All of my favorites! Tonight I am trying Zumba. Not sure how excited I am… I’ll report back.
Also, I am trying so incredibly hard to get into the Italian class this quarter. This is actually the class I took in Spring quarter but I am hoping that I can audit it and be fresh and ready to go for the second quarter class which will start Winter quarter. Cross your fingers! I have a request out to the professoré, the admissions department, and the advising department. Some one should get back to me! I hope! In the mean time, I have been reviewing my flash cards before work and before my yoga classes (yes, all TWO of them lol). It’s a work in progress. If anyone is looking to give me something AMAZING for Christmas: I WANT THIS. Thanks in advance :)
I think mack has reviewed your flash cards more than you have! ;). I hope you get in to that class!!!! Also, you forgot to say that Muffin has been sleeping in our bed and keeping me up all night. :). Love you!